Thursday, July 16, 2009

WHAT IF ?????

What if, could not qualify MBBS/BDS Entrance Exam?
Other Career Options in Medical line:
Medical Field Name Job Profile
Physiotherapist Cures weak muscles, difficulties in the movement of shoulder and knee joints, paralysis, inborn and acquired deformities, gynecological ailments and other such disorders
Occupational Therapist Helps persons having physical, mental, developmental, and emotional disabling conditions
Veterinary Science Diagnosing, treating and curing the diverse types of diseases in birds and animals
Speech Therapist Helps to identify, assess and treat people with communication disorder
Prosthetics & Orthotic Engineering Deals with rehabilitation of physically handicapped individuals who suffer from limb malfunctions or abnormalities or absence or loss of limbs or other body parts
Rehabilitation Therapy Focuses on increasing functions in exact areas of the body through physical exercises, tissue manipulation and treatment
Radiography Diagnose the ailment and diseases of the internal parts of the body using X‐ray, Fluoroscopy, Ultrasound,CTscan, MRI, Angiography and PET technologies
Ophthalmology Diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of the eye and visual system
Psychiatry Deals with the mental, emotional and behavioral disorders in a person
Audiology Deals with the study of hearing disorders
Homeopathy Treat patients by stimulating the body’s own healing powers with natural remedies
Ayurveda Uses mix of natural herbs as medicine and has very effective treatment for all kinds of ailments
Nursing Caring of sick people with science of health care
Nutrition and Dietetics Caring of people through good & balanced diets
Pharmacist Prepares, dispenses and uses medication to achieve optimal therapeutic outcomes

Final Batches

Dear Students...The final batches have already started in JULY 09 for 2010 & 2011 courses. ARE YOU ENROLLED YET ?????